30-minute trial flight P92JS (Instructor + 1 person) ....................... € 105 1-hour trial flight P92JS .................................................................. € 195 1.5 hours on P92JS.......................................................................... € 285 2.0 hours on P92JS.......................................................................... € 375 Cessna 172 (AEX, ACL & ACMX) 30-minute trial flight Cessna 172 ................................................... € 120 1-hour trial flight Cessna 172 ......................................................... € 230 1.5 hours on C 172.......................................................................... € 310 2.0 hours on C172 ........................................................................ € 425 Experience Flights on Alsim ALX simulator 30-minute experience flight on MEP model aircraft .......................€ 95 1-hour experience flight on MEP model aircraft .............................€ 180 30-minute experience flight on Turbo-prop/Jet aircraft .................€ 125 1-hour experience flight on Turbo-prop/Jet aircraft .......................€ 20
All prices inclusive of VAT
Passengers: Up to 3 people, provided with a headset facilitating easy communications within the cabin and allowing the pilot to point out the most significant points of interest.
Extra info: Change of name or validity on voucher........................... € 35